A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

Career Counselling is the process that primarily focuses on helping one understand their own self, career, and work-related trends so that one can make an informed decision about future aspects like career and education. Career Counselling as a concept seeks to help manage a varied range of issues and problems such as

  • Concentration levels
  • Retention issues
  • Improper time management
  • Expectations of children and parents not being on the same line.

Career Counselling Has Some Important Elements:

  • Career Counsellor- Qualified Experts 

A Certified Career Counsellor is the central point of the right guidance. Career Counsellors who are experts in their domain and have an international certification or a diploma in counseling psychology will do justice to the role.

There are certain prerequisites for a career counsellor:

  • A keen listener 
  • Latest knowledge on trends 
  • Observer 
  • Patient with an ability to grasp quickly 
  • Environment: Safe and Secure 

Career counselling involves creating a secure and safe environment where one does not feel judged or uneasy. They should feel secure enough to discuss without any hesitation. This assurance of safety will go a long way in cementing the relationship with the counsellor.

  • Relevant tools and assessments

Another important element of career counselling is Psychometric tests and tools which are standardised tests to evaluate a person’s personality, aptitude, and attitude. This career assessment is carried out through these tools which give us important information about a student’s skill set, emotional strength, and interests. This information will help determine the role or career best suited for the child.

But, does every child meet a career counsellor? 

No. It is the onus of the schools to provide or parents should plan well for the future of their child. 

This brings us to the most important stakeholder when it comes to career guidance.


The role of parents in a child’s education is paramount and especially in modern education. Parents choose where the child goes to a large extent in many countries. specially in India, parents’ role in the education of their child is huge.

Role of Parents in Child’s Education and Guidance 

Parent’s role in a child’s life is huge as they are instrumental in a planned career. Parents are facilitators and help in the career selection by understanding the key factors from a certified career counsellor.

A Certified Career Counsellor keeps the parents informed of the 

  • Aptitude 
  • Interest 
  • Opportunities 
  • Performance

And other critical insights that will prove helpful when parents have to set expectations for their child

Parents also should play an active role in child development and career choices by- 

  • Aiding the decision-making process 
  •  Motivate them to achieve 
  • Instilling a mature, responsible outlook 
  • Setting the right expectations for the child’s career 
  • Encouraging the pursual of ambitions and interests

What is the right time to seek career counselling?

The right time for students to seek the guidance of a Career Counsellor is during the ages of 13-17 years (8th standard to 12th standard)

This is the age of transition where they need maximum guidance. The adolescent age is when they try to ‘fit in’ and the guidance from a career counsellor can really help. When the right time is around, it is important to make the right choices. This is why they need a guide. The role of parents in the education of a child comes in here by selecting a career guidance system keeping the child in focus. 

The role of parents in the education of a child is huge and almost 51% of Indian Parents’ priority is their child’s success measured financially*. Career counsellors who know the interest, aptitude, and best-fir career for a child through psychometric tests and tools are thus able to suggest the right career guidance which is financially successful and rewarding. 

*As per a Survey by HSBC Retail Banking and Wealth Management in a report titled “ The Value of Education: Learning for Life”). 

Every child is unique and selecting the careers which are financially rewarding for them is difficult and career counselling helps spot the right career and how to pursue it. Career Counselling helps children and parents understand their own strengths and weaknesses in lieu of the present career scenario and profession.

Right Guidance at Right Age will 

  • Solidify their career path and the options they have 
  • Give them time to understand the obstacles and how to face them 
  • Allow more time to prepare well for any exams that are deal-breakers 
  • Help them understand themselves better 
  • Provide an understanding of the options they have and how they can pursue 

Career Counselling makes the transition from one field or phase of education to another a non-stressful event- Both for the parents and children.

In order to redress the stress that parents face and provide the best in-school guidance to children, Univariety has spearheaded a 360-degree career guidance ecosystem on campus. 

Some of India’s best schools are partnered with Univariety for their exemplary guidance solutions. 

Your Child’s future, not by chance, but by choice. And you, as a parent,  can help them make the right choice. 

Check out the list of top Schools that offer Univariety’s cutting edge Guidance solutions to their Students by Click Here


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