Choosing a career is a decision that shapes a lifetime. The right choice can be rewarding, while the wrong one…
It has been a long established fact that career guidance for students in India is the need of the hour.…
Career Guidance What does it mean? How does it help? In today’s world of more than 12,000 career options, guidance…
In a brand new Series, Univariety presents ‘Student Journey’- a unique milestone approach to making crucial career-related decisions. The process…
Career Counselling is important to help students to eventually make the right choice. It is a scientific procedure that is…
In a brand new Series, Univariety presents ‘Student Journey’: A Unique milestone approach to career guidance and making crucial decisions.…
Do you shake your head from left to right whenever your parents mention engineering or medicine? Do the letters MBA…
Career Counselling is the process that primarily focuses on helping one understand their own self, career, and work-related trends so…