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Career Guidance

What does it mean?

How does it help?

In today’s world of more than 12,000 career options, guidance for students is highly important. The ‘right’ career path matches every aspect of a student and compliments it, from his/her interests, aspirations, strengths and personality. 

 Challenges in choosing a career are many. Choosing a career without adequate research and help can cause:

 – Frequent career changes

 – Redundancy

 – Hindrance in personal and professional development

 This is where Career Guidance comes in.

 Also Read:  Why Students Need Career Guidance in Schools?

What is Career Guidance?

In simple words, we ‘help’.

We aim to make it easier for students to analyse and understand what they ‘really’ wish to do for the rest of their lives. The objective is to support a student through different phases of his or her life and offer guidance through the following components.

Guidance in choosing your course

The first step is to understand what you are drawn to; your passion. That we understand with the help of some basic assessment tests. 

Based on the tests, we help you understand the wide range of options available and what could be your perfect fit!

Understand Your Personality Type Now

Help with College Search

College is the destination and searching for the ‘right college is the next stop. With the help of our career guidance program, we seek the right college options for you. This, we do, keeping in mind, your aspirations and dreams as well!

College admissions

Choosing a college is one thing. However, getting admission is a whole different ball game. College admissions are getting difficult by the day. So you need to know what makes you different. And this is where we help. Our program is tailor-made to understand what colleges want and how well you can present it!

Guidance for Clarity

We have seen many students decide to change their careers after realising what they are doing is not ‘right‘ for them. The children of the country are our future. We aim to remove any room for confusion and give way to clarity.

Get Career Guidance TODAY!

As mentioned above, understanding career guidance and its components are vital for students. This helps them know what they should do and how we can guide them to a better future!

Intrigued yet? Book a Session with us to know more about our products!

1 Comment

  1. Pankaj Jain Reply

    A career guide offer guidance to people facing a variety of career challenges. These challenges may include seeking a new job, changing careers, returning to work after a career break, building new skills, personal and professional development and more. The common aim of the career guide, whatever the particular situation of the individual being guided, is normally to help that individual gain control of their career and, to some extent, their life. The importance of career guidance also holds true for students who are choosing a college and ultimately choosing their major.

    I also feel that career guidance can be helpful in:
    • Planning Future
    • Setting clear goal
    • Choosing Right Career Options

    The careers guide broadens learners’ awareness of career options and ensures that they know about the various post-school study, financial aid, learnership and work opportunities available and understand how to access them.

    Thank You for the post !

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