A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

Life gets better with smart associations. You spend a major chunk of time with your school classmates and associating with them for a long time can be the smartest move. The objective is to bond together and work for a common goal of upliftment of self and school. Here are 7 smarter ways to form an association with your school classmates and grow the network. 

“A man only learns by two things; one is reading and the other is an association with smarter people” – Will Rogers! 

Now that you have decided to take the plunge, the next step is to start an Alumni Association. 

1) Understand the Present Status Quo

The first step towards forming an alumni association is understanding the state of affairs of the existing one. If there is already one, you can make it more productive and save the process of starting things from scratch. So, before jumping into the creation of an association get to know the status quo. 

2) Work on a Strategy

Once the association is set up, create a working plan for its activities. Run strategy discussions with the core members on how to increase the members, and how to take support from other members to grow the network and engage the existing members. On the marketing front, how to promote the association and how the school can leverage the network. 

Read More: Obama’s School

3) Form an Interest Group

The concept of interest groups works well within the school. Ask your juniors to recommend activities that you want the alumni to take up and they can also form some groups to promote and drive the activities on campus. They will be the student ambassadors for the club. Similarly, make interest groups batch-wise so the members of the respective batches are aware of the initiative. 

4) Roll out Communication 

Have a clear formal and informal communication plan. Leverage the power of social media and spread the word to every school pass-out. Create an official email ID for the alumni association and roll to a formal communication about the initiation of the club. More awareness brings more members to the club. 

5) Prepare the governing body

There has to be an organizational structure for the alumni association with a clear description of roles and delegation of duties. This adds an element of seriousness to the club activities and increases the responsibility among members of the alumni association. 

6) Events & More Events

Once the club is up and running, the next step is to start the first event. The more the number of events, the more engagement among the members. As it’s the first meet, plan an event of a larger magnitude that brings all the alumni from all the corners to the school. This refreshes their memory and also acts as a catalyst for their association with their alma mater. Interested in growing an alumni network in your institution- Click here

7) Spread it to various Local Chapters

If your school is located at X location, there will be an alumni association in that city. That will organize the periodic meetings and function as a point of contact for all the alumni needs. That being said, spread the alumni associations all over the globe by breaking them into local chapters. The local associations can organize events and also be part of the main events that happen on the school campus. 

Follow these 7 smarter ways to set up your alumni association that brings all your schoolmates to one common ground for networking, having fun, and reliving nostalgia. 

Watch How Alumni Engagement works with the help of Univariety- 

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As the time evolves, so does the need to get engaged with the powerful minds with similar thoughts. At Univariety, we try to feed child’s curiosity with the help of their own seniors, those who have walked the same path. Let’s connect today and discuss about many ways in which you as an institution can create an impactful Alumni association.

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