Great counsellors need a good system to support their activities. While there is no such thing as an ideal Guidance System, we sifted through dozens of support features available to counselors across the globe, to identify 5 that we think are must-haves:
1. Data Management and Tracking
Ok, so Data is king. It includes basic info of the student, GPAs, course and country preferences and data of the colleges that they have shortlisted, applied to and enrolled in, career test results, entrance test scores, and parent info. These form the basis of a sound Guidance System in High Schools. Migrating from one system to another? No problem, any good system worth its name should be able to do that for you. And no, you should not have to spend a minute doing it yourself.
2. Knowledge Support
While careers and college-based expertise is a given requirement of an effective counselor, you’re not an encyclopedia. Knowledge updates for counselors and students must be intelligent, contextual, and timely. A single credible source must provide a steady stream of news, updates, and perspectives on careers, colleges, entrance tests, and general developments in the higher-ed space. This knowledge and news-based content in blog, video, slide deck, and infographic formats, adds an invaluable dimension to the overall experience of Guidance Regular, reliable, and easy to consume info is what you should expect!
3. College Applications and Transcripts Management
Let’s say, you have 30 kids in grade 12. Their college applications, Transcripts, and LORs have to be submitted on time. Not to mention, each one is distinct and you have worked really hard to ensure students have the best shot at getting into a college of their choice. So basically, you have to be super-human. But, what if you had support in the form of a system that allows you to not only upload documents on Common App but also, say submit applications to Indian Universities? You could then, focus on being the awesome counselor you are, and not be as consumed with paperwork.
4. Alumni Management
Remember all those kids you guided through the years? Of course, you do! Well, they are not just alumni. They are your biggest assets. Imagine a system that apart from the 3 features mentioned above, also had an Alumni Guidance and Management capabilities. Collecting, maintaining, tracking alumni data to map students trends, whereabouts, academic patterns, and other such insights is a massive plus for any progressive school. Add to that, a platform that creates an online hub for your current students to interact with Alumni all over the world and seek first-hand guidance from them.
Wait, there’s more. Your students would have access to hundreds of senior profiles that they could view and be able to access actual videos of Alumni sharing their tips, tricks, and journey. It’s your good karma, coming a full circle!
5. Red Flag Reporting
Picture this: from grade 12, Rahul and Tanya are on track to meet their college application deadlines, while Neel is yet to start on them. Cut to Sid in grade 11 who is not entirely sure which courses he wants to shortlist. To err is human and it is perfectly possible that keeping track of student progress even with the data available for ready reference, you might miss Neel and Sid falling behind timelines. What if you had a system that pops the red flags for student progress? Your very own tech-based personal assistant that reports Red Flags, so no student is left behind.
Yes, a system these support features actually exists. Cross our hearts and hope to…connect with you!
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I think these are great points. Especially love the Red Flags. It would make the job of a counselor easier and can save students from making the same mistakes they make each year. I have many Red Flags that I have identified myself for students. Can I create some of my own in the system?
Hi Fatima A, glad to hear that you have been able to identify these red flags your self as well. For schools where the student numbers are large, this is often something schools aren’t able to do manually. Can you share some examples of the kinds you would like to create in the system?