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One of the reasons why Univariety’s career guidance platform is so effective is our deep commitment to research and technology. We have married the two and the result is our informative Research Tools.

In the last few months, since students have been spending a considerable amount of time at home, we have seen a spike in the activity around our Research Tools. Parents and students are extensively using these tools to plan their careers. Not only that but in their interactions with our counsellors also they have been talking about these tools and have greatly benefited from them.student career research tools

Try our research tools now!

Here’s a list of our top 6 from the last few weeks

  • Career Deep Dive Tool
  • Top Ranking Colleges Tool
  • Career Explorer Tool
  • Scholarship Search
  • Admission Tests
  • Course Fee Calculator
  • Tools based on Careers

student career guidance tools

From looking through careers of your choice to matching your interests with careers- students can do a lot with career-based tools. The most popularly used tool on our platform is the Career Deep Dive Tool using which students can receive in-depth information about more than 60 different careers.

For example, Kunj Vasant of Billimoria High School, studying in Class 11, approached one of our counsellors with a unique request. He wanted to know which branch of engineering he could pursue in order to grab a job offer at Nike, one of his favourite companies.

Well, our counsellor first gave him information on the kind of engineers Nike hires. Then, she introduced him to our Career Deep Dive Tool which let Vasant explore all the different careers he could pursue as an engineer. He also watched a couple of our webinar videos which helped him know in detail about the different branches of engineering. Nike or not, Vasant has now made an informed decision about the career he would pursue in another year.

  • Tools based on Colleges

student college research tools

Another very popular tool is the ‘Top Ranking Colleges’ search. Students can use this tool to look for top-ranked colleges in various countries. They can also compare colleges to see what courses are being offered, the fee, alumni studying in those colleges, and so on. Students can also calculate their chances of receiving admission to this University using the Admission Chances calculator.

To explain with an example, one of our Class 12 students, Ashish of DPSG Palam Vihar, was sure about studying Engineering but was sceptical about the college that would be the right fit.

Our expert counsellor guided him through the admission procedures and introduced the Top Colleges tool. Ashish was particular about pursuing mechanical engineering. Our College tool helped him find the college which had one of the best mechanical engineering departments in the country!

To know more about how students can find our research tools, CLICK HERE.

Students can also use the Course Fee Calculator to find out how much it costs to do a certain course in a certain country. Not just that, they can see a split based on Top Colleges, Mid-Level Colleges, and Emerging Institutes.

student college shortlisting tools

  • Tools based on Scholarship Opportunities

If students are looking for colleges based on scholarships on offer, this is the tool for them. It lists down all available scholarships from all over the world. Students can filter based on colleges, country, deadline, and gender too!

Student Scholarship Opportunities research tool

  • Tools based on Admission Tests

Sometimes students want to know what admission tests are required to be taken for several courses. That’s what the Admission Tests tool helps you identify. Sometimes, depending on a student’s interest and course selection, the tools might recommend a few tests also. Going through the recommended tests will help students prepare better for their desired college.

admission guidance tools

Here’s a snapshot of the Admission Tests tool showing results for the USA

The Admissions Test Tool also helps in connecting with Alumni who have appeared for the entrance tests. Our student counsellor then helps the student in curating a list of ideal colleges depending on his/her expected test score.

There are a number of other research tools that Univariety uses in order to help students find the right career for themselves. And how do our research tools stand apart from a simple Google search, which now has become the answer to all our persistent queries?

Quality– Yes, it’s the underlying need to capture quality data that makes our research tools efficient, reliable, and helps students make accurate career choices.

Help Your Students Get Access To Research Tools!

Content Manager at Univariety

A self-proclaimed coffee addict and a fan of self-help books, Nidarshana works very closely with schools, universities, and educators at Univariety. In her decade-long career, she has dabbled in Account Management, Zumba fitness, and in several forms of writing- from features to creative blogs to social media. She is also a dancer, fitness enthusiast, and a noisy vegan

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