A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

The year was 2020 and the chill of the winter was slowly going down as February was coming to an end. Parents and kids were busy preparing for annual exams that were going to happen in the coming months.

But in the back of every parent’s mind, the question that keeps popping up is, “What are the best summer activities for my kids?’

Parents made calendars, set schedules and booked summer programs for their kids. But, 22nd March of 2020 changed everything in a whiff. 

The Change That Put A Pause On Summer Activities For Kids In 2020

The entire world was facing the pandemic of Coronavirus and India called for a nationwide lockdown on March 22, which cancelled all summer activities for kids. There was so much uncertainty in the air. 

Parents were so worried about when exams will be conducted. Will they be cancelled? Will they be postponed? Will they be conducted virtually? Overnight, every household had to get accustomed to the idea of online classes. 

All summer activities for kids came to a halt and every physical summer program was cancelled. Summer 2020 was definitely not the kind of summer anyone expected or hoped for. 

79% Indian Students Used Smartphones To Study Online In 2020

Source:  ‘India Lockdown Learning‘ report by Vidyasaarathi

This only meant that students were locked inside their homes, getting more screen time and had summer programs to attend. A lot of time was lost, especially for students in their crucial academic years like Class 10 and Class 12.

A lot of time was lost in 2020 because of COVID-19, but not anymore. Things are slowly coming back to normalcy. The world’s largest vaccination program against COVID-19 began in India and schools are slowly opening up physically.

Summer activities for kids and summer programs will be back for the summer of 2021. We are sure of it. So it is time to get your calendars out again and start planning your child’s summer schedule. 

Keep reading for a few interesting and effective summer activities your child can participate in.

Summer Vacation Ideas For Students For 2021

Let’s get to the point directly. As a parent, you want your child to succeed and get admission to a top college, right?

What if you can help your child use his/her summer 2021 by planning summer activities and summer programs that are fun and also help them in building a strong college profile?

Here are what some of the top colleges and universities around the world look for in a student.

Attributes That Different Colleges Look For

You can showcase all these attributes in your child by picking the summer activities for your kids very strategically. Don’t worry, they won’t complain, because these summer activities will be fun too!

1. An Online Internship:

Imagine your kid who is interested in Fashion Design or Computer Engineering, can learn more about their dream profession through a career-based online internship?

Don’t it think it will excite them? Our Virtual Internship Program will help your child experience 18+ in 2 hours each. Not just that, they will also receive a certificate on completion which will make their college profile stronger. 

Trust us, this is a summer activity for kids that won’t go wrong. Read our blog to know more about the internship. 

2. Take Your Hobby To The Next Level:

For the next few days, really observe your child. We mean it, observe them keenly and that itself will tell you which summer activity or summer program is the right one for them.

Does your child:

  • Sing endlessly in the bathroom?
  • Enjoy public speaking or debating?
  • Are they good at painting or performing arts?
  • Enjoy gardening or collecting things? 

Wherever their interest lies, help them take it to the next level by planning a summer activity that involves their interest. Then, make sure they pursue it with consistency.

What Do Top Colleges Look For

So, if your child takes up the same activity of interest consistently, it will impress college admissions officers.

3. Start Something New:

Innovation is a hard virtue to find. If your child has an idea, help them in making it a reality and that could be the best summer activity for your kid. 

For example, if your child wants to start a small business with very less capital and his/her idea is viable, help them get it off the ground. Or if your child wants to start a charity organisation, help them do it.

Starting something new is a good summer activity for kids shows that your child has innovation, vigour, focus, etc. These are a few summer vacation ideas for students in 2021.

Read our blog on summer activities and summer programs for more information. Also, feel free to talk to our expert counsellors to discuss the same in detail.

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Content Manager at Univariety

Sneha Mashetty is a former journalist who covered state politics. With a degree in Journalism & Masters in Electronic Media, she combines her research techniques, versatility in writing for the web, and love for education at Univariety. She has written extensively for International schools, Ed-Tech products, emerging learning technologies for half a decade. An avid reader, a travel lover & a movie buff who loves to have meaningful conversations

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