“Students must study 12-14 hours a day to get high grades!” – let us all accept the fact that it is a myth. As it is not necessarily applicable to all kinds of situations, it is important to stress upon how effectively you have studied and not upon how long you have been studying. The “Best study tips for exam” search remains on the top as we all know how examination preparation time can be nerve-racking at times as it requires the students to perform well, in fact, as per the expectations of their parents and teachers.
But if you know how to do it in the right way, you will be able to ace your exams. Here, we are listing 10 study tips for exams which might help you to study faster and better without dwelling on its outcomes.
Study Tips You Must Note Down Before Your Exams
Mugging up your notes is not just enough to succeed in your exams as it is necessary for you to know how to manage your preparation time. Keeping this in our mind, we are summing up a few of the best study ideas for you based on expert opinion and experience.
1. Start Preparing Early
Do not procrastinate! We are not underestimating your talent of studying at the last minute and still excelling at your tests but if you start early, you have the advantage of revision. And you must agree with the fact the revision always helps you to comprehend the subject thoroughly.
Therefore, it is better to start early rather than burying your head in a pile of books and panicking on the day before the exam.
2. Deal with Stress and Anxiety
We know exams can be pretty stressful and get on your nerves. In fact, it is totally normal to get anxious before exams. It can act as a positive motivator and give you the little push you need. However, excessive stress can also harm your performance.
So, take frequent breaks from your studies, do exercise, go for walks in fresh air and start chilling with your pals. The minute you begin to feel overwhelmed or frustrated, take a step back from your books and do other activities.
3. Assemble Yourself
Being organized is perhaps the best possible way to be mentally and physically prepared for your upcoming exams. You should always make an agenda for the portion you are going to cover within a particular period of time. In order to do that, you should calculate the number of days you have to complete your syllabus as well as the time for revision.
More importantly, do a short review after finishing a chunk of your course as it will help you to realize how well you have remembered and what part you should focus on more.
4. Prepare Flashcards and Flowcharts
Even if you have not got photographic memory, pictures can still help you understand and remember concepts in a better way. In this regard, flashcards can be used as portable study books which would consist of the key points of your course. After preparing an outline of your study plan, you can go through the flashcards, even at the last moment.
Flowcharts are helpful in this context as well in which you can compress the important notes in a one-page chart or diagram. These are some of the useful formats to record your thoughts visually, which in return, will help you remember easily.
5. Ask for Help
There is always a support network around you, ready to assist you anytime. Your teachers, seniors or mentors are included in this circle. Therefore, if you are struggling to understand a particular topic, do not hesitate to get help from them. They will be glad to assist you through your difficulties.
6. Get Enough Sleep and Drink Water
The most important thing your brain needs at the last minute is enough sleep. You should get 7-8 hours of sleep every night before exams so that your brain gets the requisite time to rest. Otherwise, it may result in sleep deprivation leading to hard time at giving tests.
In addition to this, you need to keep your body hydrated too. Drink plenty of water beforehand and during the exam. It may seem little but can be one of the best study tips out there.
7. Plan Study Sessions with Your Friends
Forming study groups with your friends is one of the essential study tips for exams. It will provide you with the opportunity to get basic moral support as well as motivation from the people working towards the same objective.
Additionally, it helps you to get answers to your questions from group discussions and vice versa. However, do not indulge too much, be careful about not wasting your time and do not lose your focus!
8. Align with Your Learning Style
One of the best study tips is to determine your learning style helps you decide the best way to study and prepare for an exam. For example, if you are inclined towards an auditory learning style, you should record your notes or class lectures and listen to the recording for better comprehension.
On the contrasting side, if you are a visual learner, making diagrams, flowcharts and flashcards will help you to remember your notes in the easiest way.
Hence, you should start exploring your learning style so that you know what the best way is for you to learn and master your subject.
9. Relax and Take Your Time in the Examination Hall
Once you are seated in your exam hall, take a deep breath and go through the writing instructions. Allocate your time for each question and keep a sharp eye on your watch. If you are unable to answer a question, do not panic. Skip it and try to reattempt it later on.
And lastly, if you are done writing early, never leave the exam hall. Try to revise your answer script as many times as you can. Remember that you can only do it once!
10. Work on Your Presentation Skill
You must believe in the power of a neat and clean answer sheet. Presentation is one of the most significant tools to crack your test. Solve your question paper and concentrate on efficiently arranging your answers so that your presentation looks tidy. In this regard, you can undermine your crucial keywords and after the completion of each answer, draw a line. A neat copy is highly appreciated by the examiners taking you up on the marks ladder.
Although you will be overwhelmed with all sorts of exam tips and advice, it is important that you figure out what works best for you amidst the chaos of exam preparation. Keep in mind that you should not be self-indulgent with the preparation as over-preparation might lead to confusion and bewilderment. Most important of all, do not pressure yourself and talk to your parents, friends or even teachers if anything is troubling you.
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An avid zoophilist as well as a nemophilist, Monalee mostly prides herself for her unprecedented love for dogs and mountains. She is an M.A. in English Literature and highly inclined towards exploring the creative moieties of this EdTech world. When not writing, you'll find her petting the friendliest creatures on the streets.