Personalised Counselling

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Up Close and Personal with Counsellors 

The most integral part of career guidance is the Personalized Counselling Session.

    Our expert counsellors are based all over the country, and take pride in their long and diverse experience in career guidance counselling session. The motto is to create Comfort, that enables easier decisions.
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The Proof is in the Comfort!

Comfort in booking a session + Comfort in discussion = Comfort in drawing a career path.

    Our counsellors have guided more than 80,000 students and parents combined. It is with confidence that they approach what they do, and there’s enough proof.
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Recent Stories

  • A School’s Journey of Growth and Potential Jul 25, 2024
  • To Charge Or Not To Charge Jul 19, 2024
  • Heard about the Happy Fee? Jul 17, 2024
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