Frequently Asked Questions

Tell us more about Univariety

Our Head Office is in Hyderabad, and our team is spread across major cities of India and North America.

Yes, we have Strategic Partnerships with UCLA Extension, Fortune India Magazine, The South Asia IB Schools Association (SAIBSA) and Members of Intl Schools Association (MISA).

Univariety has 100+ Full time employees across various functions including Counselling, School Service & Development, Digital Content, Research & IT, and Admin & Support Staff.

Why Univariety?

Univariety's system is designed to be one of the most unique Career Guidance platforms in the country, offering value to students and schools.

Having a counsellor is indeed an advantage, but having a system integrated into the school’s guidance structure is even better. It develops on the counsellor’s efforts and creates a seamless method to track the progress of students and carry out systematic engagements with them. In addition to this, your alumni data is simultaneously digitized into the system, acting as a guiding force for junior students and creating a strong pillar for the school.

Schools interact with the students on a daily basis and nurture them with the knowledge and skills they need for the future. Thus, offering an in-built guidance system impacts the holistic development of the student, and the school will have an irreplaceable role in the student’s future.

Why Choose Univariety over Competition?

Our milestone based system is designed to ensure that students are moving in the right direction, offering them valuable guidance based on their position in the student lifecycle, which is carefully chalked out by our team of experts. We streamline our efforts towards ensuring that students make informed decisions about their future, and we also extend our expertise to parents and counsellors who require additional support during the college application process.

Our Services

Students can access our platform on both desktop and mobile devices, allowing each student to gain instant access to professional counsellors as and when they require them.

The moment a query arises in a student’s mind, he/she can have the same cleared then and there through our chat-based counselling system. However, face-to-face interactions will be an extra-addition to our services, and can be arranged for using separate plans.

By building on the power and ease of technology, our entire platform is hosted online and offers students and schools easy access to our digital tools. We also have separate physical services and interventions in place.

Univariety does not act as an agent, and also does not function through commission-based relationships with universities. We maintain unbiased operations, keeping a student’s best interests and future in mind.

A number of residential schools across India have joined hands with us, and our reach goes to different corners of the country, from Assam to Punjab to Kashmir.

Yes, we have partnered with Parchment and the feature will be live from July this year.

Service Support

A physical launch will be conducted with students, along with parents and the school’s senior staff. Followed by this will be the training given to the coordinator assigned by the school, and placement of the yearly calendar.

In-person counselling is usually conducted once a year, followed by quarterly reviews. However, the frequency can be customized based on your requirement and size of Student Body.

  • Designated Service Account Manager who is the single point of contact for your School
  • Quarterly & Annual Service Reports
  • Univariety is an Indian company with its Head Office in Hyderabad. We are reachable over Phone, email and in person, 9:00 AM TO 7:00 PM from Monday to Saturday

A digital wall, unique for each school, will be provided along with access to our mobile app. And on these platforms, oucounsellors will constantly interact with students, sharing solutions to concerns and queries as well as highly engaging and informative news, articles and interesting content. Additionally, we will also highlight the top 10 users of the system who will be rewarded with certificates. The school will also be able to add career guidance assessments in student report cards, allowing for active involvement of students in the career guidance process.

Data Confidentiality is our foremost priority. We are proud to have long-standing associations with some of the finest Schools in India. That, along with a data confidentiality clause in all our partnership agreements make our commitment water tight.

Additionally, all school student and alumni is stored in secure locations, protected by the latest security measures. All employees are bound a strict confidentiality and non disclosure agreements.

We have a well-designed program, certified by UCLA Extension. CLICK HERE for more information

Our parent module assigns a separate log-in ID to parents where they can review their child’s progress. They will also be updated with red flag alerts if the student is identified to be making wrong decisions. Parents can even chat with counsellors and the school alumni for extra guidance. CLICK HERE to view the full list of Benefits for Parents.

Early identification & reporting of Career-related decisions that may be misaligned and not work in the best interests of the student .

This report highlights students planning to drop out from your school

  • A designated career guidance tab will be integrated into your school's website, where all career guidance activities and school placements will be highlighted, to showcase your initiatives & Student achievements in full strength
  • We create Institutional Brand Ambassadors out of your Alumni. We will capture your Alumni's journeys, highlighting success stories through videos and written case studies.
  • We will facilitate introductions with top Indian and Foreign Universities & companies to help you explore Strategic associations.
  • To register your School for India's most prestigious School Listing CLICK HERE

Absolutely! In fact, most Schools in India at this point, do not have designated Counsellors. So, while your Students have direct access to Expert Counsellors at Univariety, we also train your teachers on the basics of Career Guidance. Both our Platform as well as Univariety Counsellors are available to you for anytime support.

Sign-up Process

A one-month trial run can be executed at your school, after which reports can be reviewed and consequent services can be decided upon. CLICK HERE if you want a Free Trial.

We would be glad to customize our services to your requirements, once they have been clearly discussed.

Sure! You can make it optional by meeting a minimum Student number requirement for the program. But by making the program optional, every student will not benefit and your school outplacement report and Alumni network will not be optimized.

CLICK HERE to view our various commercial packages and choose the one that suits you best.

Transparency is what we believe in and we assure you of no hidden costs.

Monthly or quarterly payment options can be availed. Note that the payment will have to be done at the beginning of every quarter.

Great! Please CLICK HERE so we can get in touch with you!

Student Guidance Solutions

Psychometric Assessments

Our Psychometric Tests are conducted online.

Schools and students will have access to a grade-wise bifurcation, helping them better understand the right assessment to take.

The Univariety dashboard offers schools access to individual student reports.

Personalised Counselling

Univariety offers a unique service of Virtual Counselling, which is a more flexible method offering quick support from our counsellors, based on a student's schedule and preferences. Therefore, most schools prefer enrolling for the Virtual Counselling services.

Univariety Counsellors visit schools that have opted for the relevant service. The frequency and duration of in-person Counselling depends on the Student Strength of the School.

Our digital platform makes Virtual Counselling an accessible, flexible and uninhibited guidance system, where our counsellors provide expert solutions to queries via chat or emails.

In-person counselling indeed has its own benefits, however, it does not facilitate individual attention to each student.

Digital counselling including Chats, Emails, telephones & other resources like webinars,enable our Counsellors to ensure full coverage of your Student Body.

Counsellors also work on customised roadmaps for students on a case-to-case basis, and these are reported to the school and parents in the form of periodic reports or on-demand basis. We also track Student interactions with our counsellors to identify those who have not been covered. We then reach out to these students, their parents to schedule discussions.

Summaries of all the counselling sessions done with the students are recorded and sent out to the students. We include and send links of emerging courses, test preparation, etc., in the discussion summaries that the parents can also refer to for more information. Additionally, parents can independently connect with the counsellor on our chat platform or opt for face-to-face counselling, and they can also utilize customized tools available on the portal.

Our counsellors have an educational background in counselling psychology and have received certifications from the GCC - UCLA Extension Certification Program for Counsellors. They also have expertise in handling and guiding students from grades 8 to 12, and handle more than 2000 enquiries each per year.

Its great that you have an in-house Counsellor! Our platform helps increase your counsellor's efficiency by providing latest information, updates, managing Student Data, Tracking Progress and Reports. With Univariety, your Counsellor also has access to a counselling helpdesk for any in-depth queries that she has for specific students. Additionally, Univariety counselling ensures that high quality and standardized information is provided to each student, irrespective of age, school or personal preferences.

CLICK HERE to view the benefits of our System for your School

Alumni Guidance System

The school provides Alumni's initial contact information and their 12th grade information. Univariety connects with Alumni via Email, SMS, WhatsApp or Phone to collect information on their current college placements, applications and scholarships. The involvement of the school is critical in the process as they provide Univariety with the initial information on the students, which allows Univariety to further refine this information and also keep it updated."

Univariety only shares college-related information of Alumni to the existing students. Only those Alumni who have consented to receive communication will be getting messages on their emails. No student can contact an Alumni directly without the Alumni sharing his/her personal contact through the Univariety platform.

Alumni can guide students through 1-on-1 interactions where a student sends a message to the Alumni on the Univariety platform and the Alumni responds to them. Another method is where Alumni share their experiences through videos, which can be accessed on the Univariety platform.

No, Univariety does not organize events in schools. However, Univariety will provide you with the necessary tools to organize Alumni Reunions and other event organizing tools. These features are going to be launched soon, so keep watching this space for more updates on the same.

Univariety will only provide you tools to organize Alumni Reunions and other event organizing tools. It does not organize any such events for the schools.

A school is definitely open to collecting its own Alumni data. However, this is a long and cumbersome exercise which involves multiple interactions with Alumni students. Univariety has automated many of these steps and therefore is able to collect accurate and authentic information in a speedy manner.

Moreover, our research has shown that only 60% of information on Alumni present with schools is accurate, on even basic parameters like contact information, email addresses or current colleges.

University Guidance

No, we are not agents. We are an ed-tech company which provides a career & college guidance platform for schools, and we help every student get into his/her dream university.

Yes, we provide information for both Indian and Foreign Universities

No, our platform provides information about all the Indian and Foreign Universities. In case our website does not have information on a particular university, we would be glad to help you receive the information from reliable sources.

Yes, we organize fairs for your school on an On-Demand basis. However, all expenses for the fair have to be borne by the school.

Yes, we help students in securing scholarships for any university of their choice. Information regarding scholarships can also be obtained on the Univariety website.

Yes, we arrange university workshops for your school.

Yes, we can connect you with the admissions team of all our partnered universities, irrespective of them being in India or abroad. In case a school is not partnered with us, we try our best to provide you with relevant information on the admission officers.

No, Univariety do not offer any kind of scholarships. But we help you gain scholarships from some of the top Universities in the world.

Research & Knowledge Tools

Yes, for every school that signs up with Univariety, we create a school dashboard where school stakeholders can log in and access research tools

No, Univariety is a web based platform for which no software installation is necessary. The only requirement for accessing the platform is a working internet connection and a computer/ laptop

As part of the implementation of the Univariety services, we hold dedicated training sessions for school staff and a launch program for the parents and students.

We have a dedicated team who is tasked with consistently maintaining updated information on Univariety. Most of the data is collected in collaboration with universities or from their official website. We also get updates from universities regarding their recent and most updated information.