A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

The United States Census Bureau estimates there is one birth every 7 seconds and one death every 13 seconds

This, in a nutshell, shows the rate at which our population rises. 

World Population Day is a United Nations initiative celebrated on the 11th of July every year. It focuses on the need for and the importance of controlling the increasing world population. 

The World Population Day 2019 seeks to work actively on: 

  • Protecting and empowering the youth 
  • Providing quality primary education to children 
  • Educating people to remove gender stereotypes

Some Facts on India’s Population

  • According to the United Nations, India will overtake its neighbor China to become the world’s most populous country by 2028 and have about 1.45 billion people.
  • Being the world’s largest democracy, India also has the largest number of voters – about 540 million voted in the general elections in 2019.
  • India is expected to become the world’s youngest country with 64% of the population working by 2020. The demographic dividend can be capitalised to propel growth. 

This, however, has led to ever-increasing competition for jobs eventually resulting in unemployment

The ratio of unemployed persons per job opening is  1:12

There is also the added component of concern. That of automation. As per a 2017 study by McKinsey, more than 800 million people around the world will lose their jobs to automation by 2030.

To stand apart, it is important to be highly skilled and valued. 

Those who start early can gain advantages and harness the multiple opportunities leading to a fulfilling career. 

Top 10 Career Options That Are Projected to See a Rise Include 

latest trending topics

  1. App Development
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Growth hacking
  4. UI/UX Design
  5. 3D Printing
  6. Cyber Security
  7. Digital Marketing
  8. Data Analytics & Data science
  9. Image Consulting
  10. Flavour Chemistry

But, are students even aware of the plethora of opportunities that lie ahead?

That’s not a complete yes, of course. 

Even if they are aware of the diverse options, are they well-inclined to make the right choice for making it a reality?

This is where the need for comprehensive career counselling comes in!

What is comprehensive Career Counselling and how can it harness student potential?

Comprehensive career counseling is one that gives students 360-degree guidance that is 

  • Using the latest psychometric tools and techniques
  • Alumni involvement 
  • University enrollment

This rounded career guidance will help the child make informed career decisions that will cement future choices. 

Once students are ably supported by a counsellor for charting their careers, skilling and learning take center-stage. This will, in turn, create a nexus of development and lead to holistic growth. 

Who knows- The next Leader might be in your Classroom!

Click Here to implement India’s BEST Career Guidance in your School

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