City Montessori School (CMS) entered the Guinness Book of World Records in 2013 as the world’s largest school with over 45,000 pupils enrolled. Recognizing its colossal Alumni base as one of its greatest assets, CMS has adopted a comprehensive alumni management and guidance system.
The school launched a pilot project to manage its Alumni, by partnering with Univariety to use its proprietary Alumni Management and Guidance Platform, for three of its campuses.
The Alumni system serves 2 key purposes:
- Track Alumni through the Alumni Management platform
- Engage them through the Alumni Guidance Platform

Tracking Alumni is critical to building credibility for any Educational Institution. CMS(City Montessori School) has demonstrated utter progressiveness by proactively doing so.
Through the Univariety platform, the school management has been able to gather, monitor and track their alumni across batches and geographies. Therefore, enabling them to analyze patterns in student careers and success.
The aim is to help the School Management highlight alumni achievements as well as identify areas of additional academic and holistic development for current and upcoming cohorts.
3 out of 4 Alumni actively consented to guide current students, within the first few weeks of launch
CMS(City Montessori School) noticed a remarkable upswing in its alumni engagement across all its three campuses.
The Alumni Guidance System helps CMS(City Montessori School) students from grades 9 -12 seek guidance from the alumni. This guidance is majorly focused on Study tips, board and entrance exam preparations, admission and scholarship guidance, student life away from home and study abroad among other things.
CMS(City Montessori School) Students seek guidance from alumni through the following 3 methods:
1) View Alumni profiles
The Alumni Guidance platform allows students as well as the school management to make specific searches for alumni based on country, college and course enrollments. This allows for great insight into the decisions made by hundreds of alumni, by simply viewing their subject selections in school, academic scores, courses, and colleges applied to & enrolled in, entrance exams are given, scholarships garnered and much more.
2) DIRECT INTERACTIONS: Upon viewing profiles, students can send specific messages to individual alumni to seek guidance on anything ranging from tips on cracking specific subjects and college admissions to life in a foreign country.
The system enables students to view the journeys of alumni from top schools across the country. This gives them a gold mine of tips, tricks and first-hand experiences to watch and learn from.
What do you do differently in your school to engage with Alumni? Tell us if you would like to share your school’s success with Alumni Engagement!