A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

The days when students pursued a course and then looked for jobs suitable to their degree are long gone. Over recent years, students have been looking at courses that offer them many job opportunities and have selected courses based on emerging and top-performing industries. Universities and colleges across the country are constantly trying to introduce innovative new programmes each year to serve the constantly changing market scenario.

Following are 8 job-friendly courses you can pursue after class 12:

1. Aerospace engineering:

Did you like making paper planes as a kid? Does the concept of building real ones intrigue you?   A career in aerospace engineering might just be the right career for you. Aerospace Engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the design, construction, and science of aircraft and spacecraft. You can learn to make aircraft that fly within the earth’s atmosphere, as well as spacecraft that go into space. With a degree in Aerospace engineering, you might end up working for some of the top airlines like Emirates, McDonnell Douglas or even NASA.

2. Nautical Sciences:

Remember the fateful luxury ship ‘Titanic’? It probably would have never drowned if it was built with all the safety measures in place. Nautical Sciences is the study of operating a vessel at sea; it includes topics such as navigation, ship stability, handling, propulsion, and meteorology. The course is designed for those who have studied physics, chemistry, and mathematics at plus two levels and it helps if you have the favourable temperament towards seafaring. On completion of the pre-sea training, you can join some of the top shipping companies like NYK, Evergreen Marine Corporation, and Maersk.

3. Culinary Art:

Do you follow cookery shows like Master Chef or Hell’s Kitchen? Do you like your food to look remarkable and taste delicious at the same time? If deciding and designing a food menu for dinner at home seems exciting, and you like experimenting with new ingredients, a career as a culinary artist would be an ideal career choice for you. Culinary art is the art of preparing and cooking foods. Culinary artists are responsible for skilfully preparing meals that are as impressive to look at and pleasing to the palate. They are required to have knowledge of the science of food and an understanding of diet and nutrition. You will also get hands-on training on developing critical thinking skills and multi-tasking, a skill necessary to run any foodservice operation.

4. Physical Sciences:

Have you ever wanted to be on a Space ship? Would you like to step into Neil Armstrong’s shoes? Do you like studying meteors and comets? Physical Science is the right choice of career to realise these dreams. Physical Sciences comprises of four broad areas: Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, and the Earth Sciences. Each of them is further divided into fields and sub-fields. Organizations like ISRO, DRDO, Indian Institute of Meteorology look for Physical Science graduates. A person holding a B.tech Physical Science degree can work — among various jobs — as Atmospheric Scientist who study the atmospheric characteristics and as a Physical Meteorologist who analyses the chemical and physical properties of atmosphere, the transmission of light, sound, radio waves, and the transfer of energy in the atmosphere.

5. B.Sc. in Avionics:

Avionics are the electronic systems used on aircraft, artificial satellites, and spacecraft. Avionic systems include communications, navigation, the display and management of multiple systems, and the hundreds of systems that are fitted to aircraft to perform individual functions. These can be as simple as a searchlight for a police helicopter or as complicated as the tactical system for an airborne early warning platform.

6. Diploma in Plastic Mould Technology:

Were you the last people to leave the chemistry lab back in school? Do you think you have what it takes to cook up biodegradable and eco-friendly plastics?   The technology is broadly termed ‘plastic mould technology’. As the demand for ‘high-tech’ plastic components continues to grow, institutes like Central Institute of plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) have started to offer a diploma in plastic mould technology.

7. Criminology:

Fancy being a detective, or a criminal lawyer? If tracking down vigilantes is something you imagine yourself doing, then criminology may just be the right career for you. Criminology is the scientific study of the nature, extent, causes, and control of criminal behaviour in both the individual and in society. Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in the behavioral sciences and draws heavily from the research of sociologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, social anthropologists as well as writings in law.

8. Financial and investment analysis:

A financial analyst, securities analyst, research analyst, equity analyst, or investment analyst is a person who performs financial analysis for external or internal clients as a core part of the job. Financial analysts make an assessment of the viability, stability, and profitability of a business and prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements. They should also have the ability to communicate somewhat complex financial concepts and strategies to their clients using terms which are easy to understand.

If you plan to start work immediately after you finish studies, choosing one of the above options is a shot worth taking.

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