A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

In the past 2 years, we saw constant changes in the various aspects of our life. There was a change in work culture, and an even bigger change in the education, especially in college admissions.

The college admission process was strongly defined and specific before. The changes that have taken place over the past few years have made it more holistic. Colleges are now more interested in the overall development of the student, than just focusing on their academics. More colleges and universities, both abroad and in India,  are looking for values beyond what’s displayed on students’ marksheets.

Shifting focus from academics to giving more attention to the profile of students has become the ‘new normal’ in the college admission process. Student profiles includes:

  • Extracurricular activities
  • Skills apart from academics
  • Essays and SOPs
  • Ambition and aspiration

By gradually shifting the approach to college admissions, students are now more involved in their holistic development alongside academics. But a few crucial factors remain.

Let’s take a look at the 5 factors that determine a child’s college admission:


The one thing that has not changed in the factors that determine a child’s college admission is academics. However, the level of importance given to academics has certainly reduced. Colleges and universities have understood that academics do not showcase every aspect of a child’s development.

If before, college admissions were 80% academics, and 20% the rest of the factors, now the ratio is more like 40% academics, and 60% other factors. The pandemic and its effect have made it difficult for students to perform well academically.

With this, college admissions have gradually shifted away from academics, giving it its due importance, but not making it the only criteria.

We have seen many students ask us, “Can I get admission to a college abroad with average marks?”, “What about scholarships?”, and more. To have these questions answered, you can always explore career guidance with our expert counsellors and get clarity on these topics.

Entrance Exams

Another important factor that determines a child’s college admission is the entrance exams. College entrance exams are given higher importance in the process since this tests the aptitude of the child on all levels.

A curated set of questions under different categories that can include general knowledge, aptitude-based questions, math, English, reasoning skills, and more. This is what an entrance test entails, to test if the child has the skills to crack the questions and problems.

There are different types of entrance tests based on the college, course, and country. While different colleges have entrance tests of their own, there are tests based on a course, as well as, countries.

To understand more about the entrance test process for different courses, colleges, and countries, you can get in touch with our expert counsellors today!

Extracurricular Profile

An extracurricular profile was not given much importance before but has taken a front seat in the college admission process. With the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges and universities all over the world have started giving focus to extracurricular activities.

What is the personality of the child outside the classroom?

What interests the child apart from academics?

And more importantly, what steps does the child take to fulfil these interests?

A non-academic profile of a student is what provides value to the college outside of academics. How relevant a child is to the course that they have chosen, is what a non-academic profile showcases.

A student needs to create a non-academic profile, as early as 8th grade. This can help them provide an in-depth record of their interests, achievements, and individual contributions at school.

Statement of Purpose/Essay

Another factor that has taken precedence over academics in the college admission process is the SOP or the Essays. The Statement of Purpose determines why the student wishes to take admission to a particular college. Along with this, it also determines why the child has chosen the combination of subjects.

An essay on the other hand is based on a topic that has been specified by the university that you might be applying to. The essay can be anywhere between 500 – 750 words and it is highly subjective.

Both the SOP and Essay are an important part of the college admission process. Through these, the colleges understand how much value children will add to their college and the course.

Statement of Purpose is predominantly asked by colleges in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe. Essays are a part of the college admission process in the United States of America. However, both these factors are taken into consideration in various colleges in India as well.

Letter of Recommendation

Last but not least, the Letter of Recommendation is the fifth factor that plays an important role in the college admission process all over the world. A letter of recommendation is a testimonial where your previous teachers, employers, etc. talk about your achievements and contributions.

Colleges all over the world will talk to your references to verify the details mentioned in the letter of recommendation. This has been a part of the college admission process in India, as well as, abroad.

College admission is often thought to be easy. However, it is anything but. No matter where you apply for college, in India or abroad, there is a process. The process includes certain deciding factors that are integral to the admission. To explore more on the college admission process in India, the world, Book a Session with our counsellors today!

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