The best way to increase your net worth is by increasing your network. And what better way to increase your network than, by branding yourself?
4 Key Branding Concepts That Will Take Your School To The Top!
As an educational institution, you may step back and ask – Why do I need to brand myself?
The answers are simple
- To grow,
- To get more students,
- To become successful.
And the yardstick of success for an educational institute is synonymous with the success of its alumni. This is why colleges like IIT and IIM are extremely sought after – because their alumni are doing exceedingly well.
1. How Co Schools Come Into the Picture?
- Schools get the ball rolling; hence, ideally, they should get more credit for guiding their students towards their career. This inevitably leads them towards making it to a top college, paving their way to success.
- If colleges are known to build a student’s profession, schools should be known for building their career, by getting students ready to embark on a journey that leads to their ultimate success.
- Often, schools don’t get credit for their alumni’s success, as they subconsciously let their bond weaken over the years. 30 years down the line, what the alumni remember is their immediate circle who made an impact on their life and not always the institution that nurtured them and provided the foundation.
2. How Should You Brand Yourself?
Just knowing these reasons for branding, is sometimes not enough. This is why we often find a school’s branding largely focused around the uniforms that their students wear; the logo they flaunt, on the student’s textbooks, or even on their school buses. But are these always the right methods of branding?
Effective Branding is of two types. Process-based branding and result-based branding. A handful of schools that make an effort to market themselves are using process-based branding.
For example – “We are spread across a lush campus of 6 acres with 110+ faculty members”.
How many IITs have done this?
IIT’s and IIM’s market themselves using result-based branding.
For example – What do Sundar Pichai -CEO of Google, Narayan Murthy – co-founder of Infosys and Chetan Bhagat – a renowned writer have in common? 3 alphabets – IIT.
One such recent example of Result-Based Branding by one of the progressive schools of India, Oakridge International is as below:
This is a wonderful portrayal of how a school can optimise their student’s data and advertise it to gain more students.
So, what kind of Key Result Areas can you focus on to utilize Result-Based Branding?
- The average number of admission offers from top colleges and universities received per student
- The number of scholarships received per student.
- Statistics around career decisions taken by students and how has the school supported those decisions
- Key metrics around how crucial career mistakes were contained by the school
3. How will branding help?
Branding yourselves in such a way helps with better comprehension for people (read – parents and students) about what you have done and what you have achieved. Are you wondering why result-based branding is more effective than regular process-based branding?
Let’s see if you can answer any of these questions – How big is a classroom at Harvard? Do you have a rough estimate of the minimum pay package a Harvard graduate gets?
The first question is an example of process-based branding, for which you don’t have an answer. But the second question highlights a prominent perk of studying at Harvard, which we might add is result-based branding.
See, what we are getting at?
4. How can you brand yourself better!
Now to answer the big question – How can you brand yourself this way? How can you always stay connected with your students and be aware of their progress?
You have the raw data. But the way you use it makes all the difference! The points to consider here are – what type of data are you capturing and if you are using technology to capture it.
With a surge of the high tide in the competitive market, having too many options can sometimes be a curse in disguise. Consumers are swamped with the options, and, hence putting a finger on the right choice can become difficult.
Result-based branding can help schools highlight the right need in the mind of a consumer and can propose themselves as the most befitting solution to their need. Parents always make a conscious effort to make well-informed decisions about choosing the right school for their child.
However, the availability of too many cluttered options clouds their minds. Hence, the right branding targeted to resolve the right dilemmas always works best to get the attention that a school needs.
Nowadays parents r very keen on result the result–based branding
if they r satisfied then they see the process-based also the infrastructure etc
Very informative and quite useful!