A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

In today’s technologically fast-paced world, where education often witnesses an unexpected change, it is no surprise that students feel lost and vulnerable. In India, speedy changes across various areas nullify predictions made towards one’s future. This throws students off guard and leads them to make poor career choices.

The first safety net that students have is the school. Progressive countries have realised this fact and have made massive investments towards career guidance. Recent reports state that out of 180,000 schools in the US 90% of them have a career counselling set up! Likewise, the UK has more than 45% of schools with comprehensive career guidance facility.

What’s shocking is the lack of focus on career guidance in Indian Schools which at present is one career counsellor in 3000 schools!! Because of which, career counselling is becoming one of the most lucrative career prospects for educators, psychologists, and teachers. Hundreds of good schools across India are now eagerly looking for a qualified career counsellor.

Career counsellors help students by providing them with various career options, even the ones that are not very popular but might be of interest to the student. This practice ensures that students make informed decisions while they select a course based on their interest and aptitude. Counsellors also help students shortlist colleges and countries which fit their needs best.

UCLA Extension:

One of the best universities in the world, University of California, Los Angeles Extn. along with Univariety has developed a certified program to address these needs. Thereby creating the 1st generation of qualified career counsellors in India through Global Career Counselling Certification.

Focus area for schools has been confined to academic results, world-class infrastructure and in a handful of cases, extra-curricular activities offered. However, the day is not far when student admissions at school level will also be dependent on ROI (Return on investment) calculations like how it happens in the case of higher education institutes that are usually ranked and demanded on the basis of the quality of placements. This is why schools need to be mindful of training their teachers to be certified career counsellors.


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