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In this article, you will understand how two schools in the central part of India have channelised their alumni networks for school success. Many schools are engaging their alumni so that students can have a direct relationship with their seniors for career selection. Check

 How a School Can Establish a Relationship Between Students & Alumni

When school seniors become career coaches, confusion reduces and students get clarity on career choices.

Alumni networks have been instrumental in student and school success. Top schools in the country across West, East, North, South, and Central regions have channelised their alumni potential through effective alumni networks.

Students reach out to their seniors for any questions related to colleges and careers. Schools in Central India have been engaging their alumni in a meaningful manner to benefit their students.

Let us look at two schools in Central India with the best alumni engagement practice

Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar

As a school that focuses on the overall development of students, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar engages its alumni fruitfully. Students get direct in-depth guidance from seniors and can ask them questions.

This interaction gives students insights into the details of how to prepare better for their career, college choices.alumni engagement system Two-Way Street

Alumni also gain the benefit of interacting with the school directly.sri sathya sai vidya vihar, indore

CLICK Your Alumni Network Today

Central India Academy, Dewas

Another school with a stellar alumni network is the Central India Academy, Dewas. The school’s alumni are ready to help their juniors with college and career options. Students can directly contact their seniors in a hassle-free manner to get tips on career choices.student alumni network Alumni Visits

Alumni visit the school and take a trip down the memory lane, interact with their juniors, inform them about the decisions they made, and the impact it had.alumni visit

By sharing tips, tricks and their own experiences, they can significantly pivot student success. This will facilitate school success and leave a lasting connection between them.

Schools with such rock-solid alumni engagement practices can monitor its own global success.

Engage Your School Alumni Network Today


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