A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

The exams have arrived and you are expected to suffer from the infamous exam fever. Overnight, an informal ban is enforced on all your entertainment channels. Being a part of the 4G generation, it’s not at all easy to bury your nose into the books which you have never opened before. Let alone seriously study as per the requirements of the examinations looming ahead. The simple and ironic truth is: the bond between your computer/smart-phone is so strong that you both cannot be kept apart, no matter how strict a ban you face. So, it’s better to accept this truth than try to attempt a complete blackout of the internet you use through these devices.

Many students do not realize that the internet is more of a learning tool than a medium of entertainment. It’s like a sea filled with treasures and trash alike. Whether you seek treasure or choose to wade through trash depends on you.

Examination Preparation Tips Using the Internet

Tip 1) Those complex definitions and how to understand them

When you start studying, sooner or later you will come across some definitions which you will have difficulty in understanding. The best way to understand such terms is to log on to a search engine and type ‘easy definition’ before entering the particular term and bingo! You will have your easy definition of that term.

Tip 2) Having it all in a nutshell

Often it’s essential that you understand the whole concept while studying a subject before you delve deeper into it. Books usually contain detailed information and you cannot keep track of all the points. Wikipedia will prove to be very useful for this purpose as it provides an overview of any term/subject/topic.

Tip 3) Friends to the rescue

With social media and email gone mainstream, you need not worry if some doubt is nagging in mind and you do not understand something while studying. All you have to do is contact your friends through any of the various means of communicating the internet presence and ask them for help.

Tip 4) Videos, slides, and infographics

If you feel that a particular topic is too boring or long for you to read, the internet provides you with a number of alternative and very interesting ways to study, like videos, infographics, and slides.

If you think you are done with studying online test preparation will also open up the possibilities of attempting mock tests. Such tests are mostly attempted by students who are planning to write entrance exams. Apart from testing their knowledge, the tests will also give insights into the pattern of questions.

It must be remembered that the internet, though a very useful tool to study, may also prove distractive. So, keep a finger on the caution button at all times.


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