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Engineering found its place in academia as one of the most challenging, rewarding, and sought-after courses, but types of engineering degree coursescareer guidance is necessary before students jump into this field, as there are different types of engineering courses. Mentioned below are a few of them:

Since antiquity, lifestyle has been a major concern for mankind. The incessant need for the betterment of life led to the inception of various disciplines and it is safe to say that no other field has contributed to the world as much as engineering did. Starting with the invention of the wheel, engineers have improved the human way of life and helped make the world a much more comfortable, safe place.

Different Types of  Engineering Courses

1. Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineers study the practical uses of electricity, electrical systems, and electromagnetism, and devise and design communication systems, machines, and other tools, wiring, and distribution of electrical power. Pursuing this course would promise exciting careers as this is a field where technological innovations happen on a daily basis.

2. Computer Engineering

This is a course students can take to learn about computers, their applicability, and resourcefulness in all domains. These engineers write computer programs as well as develop networks and design hardware, and other computer equipment such as processors, chips and circuits.

Computers have proved to be indispensable entities in today’s world and this heightens the need for experts in the field. Studying this subject would offer students some of the most lucrative career options.

Also Read: 4 Engineering Courses For The Post-Covid World 

3. Mechanical Engineering

This extensive course studies moving parts, power, force, and other principles of physics. Mechanical engineers research, design, test, and develop machines and operate them to perform tasks. Vehicles, engines, and household gadgets such as Televisions, refrigerators, Air conditioners, etc. are all designed by mechanical engineers.

It offers jobs in sectors such as the aerospace industry, robotics, defence, manufacturing plants, bio-mechanical industry, etc.

4. Aerospace Engineering

This is a type of course that provides personnel with the skills to design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, and navigation and communication tools for space exploration. Literally rocket science, this is an emerging course that is offered in very few colleges. Studying this course would help me find jobs in the defence sector, space research organizations, aviation departments, and aeronautical laboratories.

5. Chemical Engineering

It makes use of principles of fundamental science subjects such as chemistry, biology, mathematics, and physics, and clubs them with engineering disciplines such as computer science, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering.

Their services are required in fields like medicine, biotechnology, manufacturing and energy, and nanotechnology. Plenty of opportunities await students who take up this course as it promises some of the most lucrative careers.

6. Automotive Engineering

Automotive engineering courses teach how to design, develop, test, and are involved in the manufacturing of all kinds of land-based vehicles. They design cars, motorcycles, utility vehicles, buses to even military tanks. Automotive is usually taken up as a specialization course after attaining a graduate-level degree in mechanical engineering. Creativity and attention to detail are a must for students wishing to pursue a career in this field.

7. Civil Engineering

It is the field of engineering that teaches students the science of construction and the environment. Civil Engineers study the design, construction, and maintenance of structures such as buildings, roads, canals, and dams. Civil engineers have played a major role in modern civilization as seen around. It is a little tough to get established in this field compared to the other disciplines.

8. Marine Engineering

This is the discipline that teaches students to design, develop, and test vehicles and structures that are water-borne. Ships, boats, military vessels, submarines, and oil rigs would all fall into this category.

This is a type of mechanical engineering, but this study specifically looks at factors that condition the environment on the surface and underwater. As one of the most adventurous fields in engineering, marine engineering also offers great opportunities for students in sectors like Maritime organizations, defence, power generation, etc.

Also Read: Career Guidance for Engineering Students

Various other engineering courses include agriculture, environmental, biomechanical, industrial, petroleum, and nanotechnology engineering.


  1. Saraswati College Of Engineering Reply

    Absolutely complete guide on the different type of the engineering. And along with that you have provided the information of that different branches of Engineering. Very nice post very informative thanks for sharing

  2. Sonali Jindal Reply

    Engineering is the discipline, art, and profession that applies scientific theory to design, develop, and analyze technological solutions. This list on various types of Engineering Courses will be helpful to many to understand which career to choose. The list is most popular engineer courses. However one can look on various other engineering study as well.

    Geotechnical engineering
    -Concerned with the behavior of geological materials at the site of a civil engineering project.

    Environmental Engineering
    -Involves the study of science and engineering to improve our environment.

    Petroleum Engineering
    -The application of engineering principles to drilling for and producing crude oil and natural gas

    Architectural Engineering
    -Architectural engineers work in the construction, planning, and design phase of projects.

    Thank you for the post.

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