A Strong Foundation Building For Your Child Is A Must: Start Before It’s Too Late

In today’s age, teachers and educators are one of those people who are working to make the future better by training and imparting education to those who will inherit the future students.

The lack of confidence among students is not a new predicament faced by teachers. However, the hazards it brings have increased and become more serious today. Students today are less interactive, less confident, and tend to give up without trying hard.

Confidence is a very important and necessary trait that every student should possess. Lack of confidence will not only hinder the personal development of a child, but it will also cause hurdles in their education and learning process.

7 Strategies to Build Your Student’s Confidence

  1. Make them speak up

The most effective way to instill confidence in students is: by giving them opportunities to communicate. Students who lack confidence are usually too shy to speak up. By letting them speak, you will be helping them break the barrier which is not allowing them to open up.

For starters, you can ask students to narrate jokes in front of the whole class. This will not only build confidence but will also help in reducing stage fear.

  1. Encourage Self-learning and self-study

Studies have shown that students who are completely dependent on others for their studies often lack confidence, whereas, students who have a habit of discovering things on their own and engage in self-study are comparatively more confident.

Organising activities will encourage students to delve deeper into the subject. Some teachers infuse a sense of curiosity among students so that they try to get answers by themselves. This has been made easier due to the Internet.

  1. Help them become emotionally strong

Learning and education is not just about acquiring knowledge. It’s also about having the intelligence to practice the acquired knowledge in real life. A lot of students go through family-related or similar problems. Such students are more likely to lack confidence.

To bring such students out of their shells, it’s essential to show them how to be emotionally strong. A trait of a good teacher is that students don’t feel shy to share their problems with them. Such teachers are like a dependable and strong wall, always there, strong and unwavering. Students not only like them but try to imitate them in dealing with setbacks and problems.

  1. Encourage their talents/skills

Every child is unique. Every student has their special qualities and talents. A teacher needs to make the students proud of whatever talent they possess. Not recognising the students’ talents sometimes leads to a lack of confidence among them. Encouraging their talents will boost the confidence of students and will obliterate their fears.

  1. Be tactful when correcting them

If there is something that students tend to do all the time, it’s committing mistakes. Making mistakes is part of the learning process. However, teachers have to be very tactful when correcting them. A strong reaction may instil fear in them while a subtle and too-lenient correction won’t register properly in their minds.

Students should be corrected on their mistakes in such a way that they understand the importance of correcting themselves and yet don’t get afraid to use their creativity in the future.

  1. Let them disagree with you

Students should be given enough independence in their thoughts that they can voice their differences with others, even with teachers. However, the difference between disagreeing and arguing should be made clear to them.

Teachers who let students discuss their ideas and opinions will encourage them to be confident and free, something which will increase their grasping power and enthusiasm.

  1. Set easy goals

Last, but not least, a lot of teachers have the habit of setting tough goals for students (piles of homework, assignments, etc.) If you are setting goals that are too tough, you are discouraging the students even before they try. Setting easy goals will mean that more students will achieve them and this sense of achievement will boost their confidence greatly.

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