“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” – Brad Henry
Yes, teachers are no less than beacons in our lives. They strive to motivate us in every walk of life. Let’s understand what inspired a few great teachers in the country to take up teaching as a profession and what it means to be a teacher.
Dr. Jagpreet Singh – Headmaster, The Punjab Public School, Nabha

I teach…What’s your superpower ??
Fascinated by this quote while reading, I couldn’t resist saving it for using it on the right occasion!
What better than 5th September to share it with one and all.
I always wanted to be a teacher. There was no other first or second choice. The influence that my mentors (living legends) had and still have on me is unparalleled. The power which a teacher has to shape the innocent minds and turn blank slates into colorful canvases is so unique. I wanted to be the role model for the younger generation just like we grew up idolizing, imitating our mentors. All professions teach how to make machines, artificial intelligence and much more. But there’s no other better profession than teaching which inculcates the values of empathy and nurtures young souls into responsible citizens. Another proud privilege of being a teacher is I still learn something new every day.
Blessed to be in this noblest of all professions for it connected me to some of the most beautiful souls!
Ms. Punita Nehru – Principal, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Indore

Even the Gods and seers come into this world in the form of Gurus- the Ultimate Teachers!
It has indeed been a blessing to have been chosen to be a teacher in this lifetime. Chosen, as it was not decided by us but by the God Almighty! I feel I have been entrusted with the most serious responsibility of shaping the children’s character which in turn will shape the future of the world. At least in the area, my children will go and participate. We are not entrusted with preparing them to earn alone but also to lead a life worthy of a human being. This is the prerogative of ONLY a teacher in the school as that’s where the foundation is laid.
Like the character of Dev Anand in the film “Guide”, the love, adoration, and trust of our innocent, pure-hearted children elevate us from where we are when we started with them, to where Dev Anand was taken when the movie ended. Our beautiful motherland, “The Bharath”, showed the Path of Gurudom to the world! I bow to all the Gurus of ALL the ages who have laid this pious path for us to follow!

I also wish all the present teachers of Bharath a very Happy Teacher’s Day.
My Pranams to each of you!
Dr. Sandeepa Sood – Principal, Saffron Public School, Phagwara

They say ‘Teaching is a noble profession’, I personally feel it’s the only profession that either makes or breaks a person. Teaching makes a student’s career, affects his overall behaviour, his family, his mannerism and his attitude. I wanted to make a change and bring out the best in people, and I thought teaching is the only way in which I would be able to contribute to the wellbeing of the society, serve humanity and in the process learn new things every day. So the entire process not only helped me to participate in bringing out the best in my students but it also brought out the best in me.
The Job of a Teacher requires a deep understanding of the school structure and demands a lot of innovation and creativity to meet all social, economic and internal school challenges head-on. Teaching is not just a job but it involves a whole lot of self-learning, management strategies, pedagogies, classroom instruction, board references, online education, updating course material and a whole lot of other didactic references.
I encourage my teachers to never use the stick but the carrot rule to educate students. Be more tech-savvy, books are extremely important but reference should be made to online updated new education material as well. Academic and Non-Academic, both are equally important for a student’s overall growth and development. I believe whatever input a child gets, he will deliver the same output, so if we deliver our best and keep our students updated on society, economy, academically challenge them then they will turn out to be sincere residents of our country.
Renu Shorey – Principal, Suchitra Academy, Hyderabad

Once upon a time, we were all small and we all played ‘teacher-teacher’. And then, we grew up! Period.
No one wanted to play teacher-teacher anymore, including I. Anything but a teacher.
Till the day the profession chose me by accident, I kept sucking me in till I actually realised that that is what I was meant to be – a teacher.
I am so proud of the work I do, so convinced of the difference I make that I will not exchange it for anything in the world.
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